Cognitive Insights Counselling (CIC) logo.

Cognitive Insights

Decolonized Transformational Healing

Providing counselling and spiritual healing services to assist each being in restoring their energy and living a meaningful life.

Cognitive Insights Counselling logo in a deep blue outline


Our services are for everybody who seeks healing and meaning.

Cognitive Insights Counselling logo in a deep blue outline


We give clients the tools to create change themselves.

Cognitive Insights Counselling logo in a deep blue outline


We believe in supporting the whole being and their values.

Cognitive Insights Counselling logo in a deep blue outline


Our client-counsellor relationships are based in mutual respect.

Lotus flower symbol for Cognitive Insights Counselling - Decolonized Transformational Healing

About Cognitive Insights

CIC takes a multi-dimensional approach to healing Generational Trauma. Trauma takes many faces, structures, experiences which are held in the Collective Unconscious and Conscious across lineage and social constructs.

CIC prioritizes and cultivates each individual’s needs, skills, dignity, resilience, and wellbeing, as they seek to release negative blocks and patterns.

Lotus flower symbol for Cognitive Insights Counselling - Decolonized Transformational Healing

Our Services

We offer wellness and spiritual integration services from Clinical professionals, Counsellors and Healers.

Some of the services we offer:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Trauma Counselling
  • Inclusive Integration Counselling
  • Decolonizing Counselling
  • Compassion-focused therapy
Photo of large rocks surfacing from the sea.

For all types of distress:

  • Domestic violence
  • Sexual assault
  • Political torture
  • Sexual molestations
  • Depression
  • Addictions
  • Anxiety
  • Isolation
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Low self-esteem
  • Discrimination
  • Oppression
  • Grief and despair
  • Disturbing overpowering structures in one’s life
Cognitive Insights Counselling (CIC) logo.

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